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Getting Started


API.Bible allows any developer to include Scripture content and text anywhere in their website or application for non-commercial purposes.

Creating an Account

Before you can access the API you must first create an Account to retrieve your own personalized API key. Head on over to our sign up page to get started.

Once your application has been approved you can find your API key in your Dashboard settings.

If at any point you need further assistance, please visit our support page!

Accessing the API

Authenticate your account when using the API by including your secret API key in each request. You can manage your API keys your account's dashboard. Your API keys carry many privileges, so be sure to keep them private.

The authentication process uses a variation of HTTP Basic Auth. For each request you must place your private key into the api-key header.

curl --request GET \
--url https://api.scripture.api.bible/v1/bibles \
--header 'api-key: test_okikJOvBiI2HlWgH4'


The API uses the following response status codes, as defined in the RFC 2616 and RFC 6585.

400Invalid ID supplied
401The API key provided is either missing, invalid, or unauthorized for API access.
403Server understood the request, but provided API key is not authorized to retrieve this information.
404Resource not found.

Rate Limiting

The API.Bible allows any developer to include Scripture content and text anywhere in their website or application for non-commercial purposes.

API.Bible is free for non-commercial usage. The API is rate limited to prevent abuse that would degrade our ability to maintain consistent API performance for all users. Each API key or app is allowed to request up to 500 consecutive verses at a time and make 5,000 queries per day.

If you are interested in commercial usage or more access, contact us!


When we make backwards-incompatible changes to the API, we release new versions. The version is indicated in the URI using a path prefix. The current version is v1.

Below is an example URI. Notice the included v1: https://api.scripture.api.bible/v1/bibles